Do Not Allow Others to Prey on Your Fantasies

People all around you prey on common fantasies of wealth, jobs, health, and other things; the prospect of instant gratification…

Harrison Barnes

Learn Something from the Upper and Lower Class: Do Not Be Paralyzed by Others’ Opinions

You need to focus on yourself and raise above the standards set by the world around you. When you live…

Harrison Barnes

Why You Should Be Suspicious of Flattery and Listen Closely to Criticism

A year or so ago, a film producer called me and told me he was going to make me quite…

Harrison Barnes

Moses, Great Religious Figures, the Wilderness, and Your Career

If you are unhappy in your current job, you need to step back and take a break in order to…

Harrison Barnes

Phony Accident Scenes, Internal Affairs, Racial Discrimination, and Your Career

Identify and uphold your values, and live your life in an ethical manner rather than trying short cuts to get…

Harrison Barnes

Ask Others What Course You Are On

Looking back at the past, one can always identify the mistakes that he or she did not know any better…

Harrison Barnes

Allow People around You to Feel and Believe Whatever They Want

The people we meet come from all different backgrounds; they live their lives according to facts that may not make…

Harrison Barnes

You Need to Be in the Right Environment

In this article, Harrison explains how success is directly related to being in the ideal environment. You need to study…

Harrison Barnes

Your Life Is the Product of Your Rituals

I just returned from a two-day conference where the only choices I had for lunch each day were sandwiches with…

Harrison Barnes

Use Personal Stories to Connect with an Employer and Get a Job

Marketing is crucial to your job search, because employers are essentially purchasing a product when hiring you. The more positive…

Harrison Barnes