Slipping, Falling Down, Gravity, and Your Career

In work and in life, everyone slips at some point. Left unchecked, however, a slip become difficult to stop and…

Harrison Barnes

The Importance of Finding and Creating Demand

In 2000, I needed computer programmers in our company more than anything. At the time, however, it was exceedingly difficult…

Harrison Barnes

Gravitate Towards People and Organizations That Appear to Have Good Luck

There are many people and organizations who, for a variety of reasons, seem never to succeed no matter what they…

Harrison Barnes

The Richest Man in Bay City

You cannot create alibis for your life and hope to achieve anything. Rather than spend your time creating alibis, use…

Harrison Barnes

The Power of Concentration

I read this book some time back and I'd like to share it with you. The Power of Concentration by Theron…

Harrison Barnes

Five Gallons of Soup: Are You a Moving-Away-From or a Moving-Toward Sort of Person?

Avoiding problems, not challenging yourself, and giving up in the face of challenges are all forms of being a loser.…

Harrison Barnes

First Class Airline Lounges and What Your Employer or Potential Employer Wants

Gauging the people around you and giving them exactly what they want can determine the success or failure of any…

Harrison Barnes

Never Let an Opportunity Slip By

Opportunities present themselves to you everyday, although you may not always see them. Recognize these opportunities, and take advantage of…

Harrison Barnes

Evidence and Your Instincts

Joshua Bell, one of the most famous violinists in the world, took a $3.5-million dollar Stradivarius Violin and played for…

Harrison Barnes

Being in the Zone

Nothing is more crucial to your career success than being “in the zone”, and genuinely passionate about your work. Most…

Harrison Barnes