Being in the Zone

Nothing is more crucial to your career success than being “in the zone”, and genuinely passionate about your work. Most…

Harrison Barnes

Don’t Be Dead Weight-Contribute More Than You Take

One of the most important things you can do in your career is generate value for your employer far in…

Harrison Barnes

Find an Employer with Similar Values

Nothing gets accomplished when peoples’ values are in conflict, so it is very important to work with an employer who…

Harrison Barnes

Sharing of Information, Invention of the Internet, Parrots and Tool Rooms

Information sharing, as exemplified by the internet, is changing the world for the better and is the way of the…

Harrison Barnes

Get Security By Concentrating on the Needs of Your Employer

Concentrate on your employer’s needs in order to achieve career stability. While everyone seeks security, it is detrimental to approach…

Harrison Barnes

The Pygmalion Effect and Setting Incredible Expectations for Your Career and Life

You will come across both people who believe in you and those who do not in your life; it is…

Harrison Barnes

The Importance of Unlearning

In this article Harrison explains how unlearning can make us happy and help us grow. One of the most important…

Harrison Barnes

Frustration, Rejection, Sylvester Stallone, and Rocky

Your success will largely depend on the extent to which you can handle frustration and rejection. In fact, you need…

Harrison Barnes

Harmonize with the People in Your Environment

You need not only to fit in, but to be seen as fitting in with your coworkers. Harmonizing with your…

Harrison Barnes

Avoid the Envy of Others

Avoid the envy of others. Successful individuals know envy can lead others to undermine them; in order to remain powerful,…

Harrison Barnes