How Much Do You Want Your Dream?

Your success in both career and life depends on the strength of your desires. Peoples’ respective levels of desire differ…

Harrison Barnes

Rules, Your Nature, and Your Career

Rules are the most important aspect of any business or profession. You must understand the unique rules in any situation…

Harrison Barnes

Cattle, the Importance of Maintaining Fences-and Your Career

You must establish strong, well-maintained fences around everything in your life, and be aware of who is within them. To…

Harrison Barnes

Do Not Stand in the Way of Your Own Progress

See yourself as you actually are, then confront this self so that you can grow and evolve. When you see…

Harrison Barnes

21 Pieces of Career Advice No One Ever Gives You

Here are 21 pieces of career advice no one ever gives you from well-known career advice expert and legal recruiter…

Harrison Barnes

Association Websites

Module Handout #1 Click here to download Module Video #1 %CODE1% Handout #2

Just How to Wake the Solar Plexus

All of us have incredible potential that is rarely, if ever, awakened. This book discusses the power of the solar…

Harrison Barnes

Byways to Blessedness

I would like to share with you James Allen’s book, Byways to Blessedness where he talks of the need to…

Harrison Barnes

The Prophet

The Prophet is a book of 26 poetic essays written in English by the Lebanese artist, philosopher and writer Khalil…

Harrison Barnes

The Dore Lectures on Mental Science

The Dore Lectures on Mental Science by Thomas Troward make for very interesting reading for anyone wishing to understand and…

Harrison Barnes