The Importance of Trust and Access to Information

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of being trusted by people you are dealing with. You need to be…

Harrison Barnes

Why Robin Williams Killed Himself: The Importance of Being Yourself

Robin Williams grew up a few miles from where my father grew up, and he is about 10 years younger…

Harrison Barnes

Job Sites Online

Here is a list of job search sites to help you with whatever type of job search you may be…

Harrison Barnes

Being Able to Start from Scratch Is a Gift

In this article Harrison talks about how your ability to change completely can help you become really good at something.…

Harrison Barnes

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

Not too long ago, a man moved to my Malibu neighborhood from New York and suddenly became very popular. He…

Harrison Barnes

Never Overlook the Obvious

Obvious solutions always get overlooked. Simple problems get overanalyzed, and the simple solution gets ignored. Look out for the solutions…

Harrison Barnes

People Around You Can Shape What Happens to You: Avoid the Negative Affirmations of Others

In this article, Harrison explains the incredible connection between the mind and the environment around you. To understand your world…

Harrison Barnes

Nightly Sex in Hotel Bar Bathrooms with Women in Burqas

People will always find a way express themselves and be who they want to be, as their character and desires…

Harrison Barnes

Area 51 in Nebraska, Suicides, and the Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others

You can get miraculous results in life and work when you are not in competition with others. Comparing yourself with…

Harrison Barnes

The Most Important Thing You Can Have Is Faith

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of having faith. Faith is the most important thing in the world that…

Harrison Barnes