Harrison Barnes

Why the Best Executives Are So Highly Paid

In this article Harrison discusses the reasons why the best executives are so highly paid. According to him the main…

See Your Job and the World from the Bright Side and Not the Dark Side

Avoid people with a negative worldview, and who are unenthusiastic about their jobs. Their negative energy will rub off on…

Goal Setting

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of goal setting. Goal setting is the single most important aspect of your…

Do Not Be Vengeful: Let Hurt and Anger Go Through You

Every thought you have ultimately brings you closer to something positive or negative; you must therefore learn to control your…

Believe in the Possibilities

In this article Harrison discusses that when you are inspired you can accomplish anything; you can create whatever opportunity you…

Focus on Other Geographic Areas to Get Your Job Search Going

In this article Harrison talks about problems one could face while planning to relocate for better job options. Many areas…

Over Deliver Because It Is Not about You

You are rewarded in direct proportion to the value that you deliver, meaning that you have to deliver in order…

Mutual Funds, Casinos, and Opportunities

If you have considerable experience in something, then you can go much farther in this field than in one in…

Look at Your Job (or the Job You Are Seeking) from Your Employer’s Point of View

Businesses who understand what their clients want, rather than what they presume their clients want, tend to perform much better…

Learn to Confront Silence

In silence, you confront your true self; when you are less active, you need more to confront your mind’s inner…