Harrison Barnes

You Need to Delay Gratification

In this article Harrison explains how long-term enjoyment of life requires that we delay gratification until a later time. The…

Career Tests

You need to discover your core skill set or those most compelling gifts you have that make you stand out.…

Our Habits Determine the Outcome of Our Lives

Bad habits will cause you to fail at things at which you should succeed. Develop habits that empower you rather…

Move Toward the Light

Life is all about the opposite extremes of light and darkness, and your likelihood of success directly correlates to the…

Do Not Create Too Many Rules

It is important to establish rules for yourself that empower rather than frustrate you; creating rules about your goals prevents…

Where to Find Government Jobs

When I say I’m excited about government jobs, I mean it. They're better than many other jobs this day and…

Education Jobs and Teacher Jobs

The field of education—including elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities—is a very exciting place to look for a job…

Nicholas Cage and Personal Leadership

True leadership comes from standing for the things in which you believe, even if you stand alone and others disagree…

The Most Important Person You Communicate with Is Yourself

Your happiness and quality of life depend largely on the meanings that your ascribe to the things around you, so…

Your Ultimate Goal: How You Can Find Job Security

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of keeping one’s job secured, and how external factors affect job security. It…