Harrison Barnes

Do Not Get Involved in the Social Side of the Office

In this article Harrison explains why it is important to stay away from the social side of the office. If…

Never Get Too Comfortable

The most successful people never slow down, and do not allow themselves to get too comfortable. Everyone works to achieve…

The Power of Resistance in Your Career and Life

Develop the art of resisting those things that give you instant gratification. While attractive, these things are usually short-lived and…

Cheap Beer, Overpriced Chocolate, and Being Visible and Approachable

In this article Harrison explains how your effectiveness in your work will always be dependent upon your ability to get…

We Create Problems So That We Can Grow and Be Happy

In this article Harrison discusses how your problems can help you move forward. Most of us are never satisfied with…

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Cool Hand Luke and Being Who You Want to Be

Embrace your individuality, and fight the human instinct for consistency and sameness in your self-image. Appreciate all of your personality’s…

Cover Letter Tips

Too many people approach their job searches from the perspective of their own needs. They need a job, they need…

Jung, Shadows and Your Potential

Come to terms with how you feel and be open about it, and you will be much less likely to…

Play Each Day Like It Is Your Most Important

In this article, Harrison beautifully explains the importance of loving the work you do, being focused, and seeing each day…

What You Want, Do Not Want and Need to Be

When I was younger and less experienced in the ways of business, I made some huge mistakes. One of the…