Harrison Barnes

Be Content and Happy with Where You Are

In this article, Harrison explains the fact that you need to have immense faith in the person you are, the…

Consciousness, Mindlessness and Your Career

Being unconscious of our surroundings causes us to miss out on many opportunities. We fail to notice many things immediately…

Being Nice Makes Good Business Sense

In this article Harrison discusses how being nice is the smartest thing you can possibly do in your career. When…

Learn from Every Experience You Have Ever Had

In this article, Harrison explains how everyday experiences provide profound lessons as well as a solid and rich foundation for…

Garlic Olive Oil, Craigslist Massages-and Doing Your Homework

Do your homework, and always know beforehand what you are getting into. Think logically, and always make sure that you…

Concentrate on Your Strengths

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of understanding what your key strengths are and using them to the best…

Choose Your Frames of Reference Wisely

Your life is shaped by the reference points through which you experience the world, which you establish based on your…

The Better Your Product, the Better Your Life

You must think of yourself as a product, something of value for which people are willing to pay. Your career…

Upgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be Done

If you can learn how to create work for yourself, you will never be unemployed or lacking for excitement in…

Do Not Ever Be Afraid to Broadcast Your Value

You need to constantly broadcast your value in your current job; make sure that your bosses are aware of what…