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Being Against Something – and Your Job Search

Harrison Barnes
By Jun 24,2024
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When I was in college, I decided to start an anti-drug and alcohol-abuse organization. I affiliated with a giant group called BACCHUS (Better Alcohol Consciousness Concerning the Health of University Students), and one year I got funding in the amount of nearly $200,000 from the University of Chicago to bring Bill Bennett (the former “Drug Czar”) to speak to the students. In fact, I made such a presentation to the student counsel one year that they gave me over 35% of the student activities budget to bring in famous speakers and others, to help fight drugs and alcohol on campus.

The second I got all this funding, people started to come out of the woodwork. One faculty member of the school sought me out one day and told me that he used to be a heroin addict and wanted me to help with his organization. A psychologist with the school seemed very angry with me because I had gotten all this funding, while he himself had spent years trying to get funding from the school and had not succeeded. He called me into his office one day and told me I should not be using the money to bring in famous speakers and that instead I should do various other things with it.

One day I got a call from someone at the University of Chicago Hospital, who asked me to come over for a meeting. I got there and was met by two psychiatrists: “Let’s talk about you personally and not this organization. Why would you want to start this organization? What are you hoping to achieve?” They looked at me very suspiciously. I got up and left the meeting because they were clearly not trying to help the organization.

A few days after this meeting, one of my teachers approached me and told me that the school was very unhappy that I was trying to raise awareness about drugs and alcohol problems because it would scare away potential students and their parents. She told me several higher-ups had asked her to persuade me to cool it, but that she had refused to participate in the cover up. By launching this organization, I attracted a lot of attention from the school and I was not sure if it was good or not.

I did not share it with the school, but the reason I was so interested in this pursuit was that I had seen so many kids I grew up with become complete burnouts, and literally destroy their lives by abusing drugs and alcohol. I also decided at some point that it was important that I stand for something. You need to stand for something in your life. The world will define you based on what you are against and what you stand for–more than anything else. My entire life I have always found something to stand for and be against.

I had hung out with the wrong crowd in high school for the most part. Almost all of my friends liked to spend their weekends drinking and smoking pot. In fact, when they all got fake IDs at the age of 16, many of them went to a bar for drinks during lunchtime every day.

By the time I was 17 years old or so, some of the kids in this group were routinely beating up their girlfriends. I could not believe one summer night when I went to visit one guy I knew. He slapped his girlfriend in front of me and screamed something like: “Shut up you stupid bitch! What did I tell you about talking back!?”

A few guys I knew turned into such stoners they had a difficult time speaking complete sentences. I went with a group of them to see a Grateful Dead show once and was horrified when one of the guys was so affected by whatever drug he was on–that he no longer could see his own hand. I actually left that particular concert, which was held at the University of Michigan, and I drove home, completely weirded out by the entire episode. What upset me the most was that there were many parents who appeared to have dropped acid, and they had brought their infants and toddlers to the show with them. This was not a fun, happy, or pleasant experience for me at all.

I should probably have hung out with the kids who liked to study, as I did, but they were boring as far as I was concerned. I could probably have also hung out with the athlete kids, but I found them uninteresting as well. The kids who used drugs and alcohol always had one crazy thing or another going on and it was way more entertaining than spending time with the other kids who studied or were into athletics. In addition, I had grown up in a single parent household with a mother who loved to party with her friends, smoking pot and drinking into all hours of the morning. So in a sense, I understood the drug and alcohol culture better and felt more comfortable with it.

I launched my antidrug and alcohol abuse organization at the student activities night, which the University of Chicago held the first week of school. I had ordered a terrifying video online of the dangers of drunk driving. I hooked up a VCR to a large television in the student commons where we had set up a recruiting table. The video was way over the top, depicting grotesque accident scenes and other terrifying scenarios. There was also an announcer who was very somber and said things like:

“The body was found without a head eleven feet from the car. Six weeks later a dog was found chewing what remained of the head in a playground, traumatizing hundreds of school children. It was just another example of the dangers of drinking and driving…”

“The body was found without a head eleven feet from the car. Six weeks later a dog was found chewing what remained of the head in a playground, traumatizing hundreds of school children. It was just another example of the dangers of drinking and driving…”

A large crowd formed around the video and it was having an unintended effect of kids screaming things like “Oh man!! Look at that one!” and laughing instead of being freaked out and discouraged, as I had hoped they would be.

I had written a long brochure for the organization and had it printed and handed out that day to the entire student body. We also took part of our organization down to the annual BACCHUS conference at Quincy College in rural Illinois. We took an 8 hour drive out there and when we arrived we discovered that the BACCHUS organization had very distinct religious overtones.

I will never forget when we pulled up to the college and we rolled down our window to a group of girls and asked them where the BACCHUS conference was. They made “Ls” with their fingers and shouted “Losers,” then fell down to the ground laughing. When we got to the conference we discovered that it was going to be being held inside a nunnery. We were led into the nunnery to sleep and in the morning were awoken by church organs. During the meeting, the kids all talked about preventing alcohol and drug abuse, all with religious motivations and crusade-like overtones. It was not the crowd for me and not something I was very interested in being a part of.

What launching this organization taught me quite early on was that you are defined even more by what you are against than what you stand for. I was against people abusing drugs and alcohol and everyone knew it. When my fraternity brothers were smoking pot, they would often do it outside my room to be funny. A lot of the faculty of the school automatically knew who I was in the school just because of my organization. When you are against something, this is often what first gets people’s attention.

When I applied to jobs after college, I got all jobs with conservative organizations. (The Justice Department was one.) I got into the law schools that were more conservative (Virginia), and my first summer job was with a conservative law firm. My first job out of law school was with a conservative Republican Federal Judge. I always did much better in interviews and jobs with conservative organizations. I am confident that a lot of the people who hired me were under the mistaken impression that I was a “bible thumper,” since I had founded this anti-drug and alcohol organization, as my résumé clearly stated. Broadcasting the things we are against can often be very effective in getting us jobs for like-minded employers.

It is generally not the things that you stand for or support that make people take notice of you; instead it is what you are against that others notice the most. Ralph Nader, for example, became famous not simply because he believed in automotive safety. Rather he became famous because he attacked General Motors, which at the time was the largest car company in the world.

In the past few days, I have been very interested in two recent stories in particular, both about people who spoke out against something. The first story was about Carrie Prejean, who spoke out against gay marriage in response to a question during the 2009 Miss USA pageant. In response to a question by Perez Hilton, a pageant judge, about whether she believed same sex marriage should be legalized, Prejean responded:

Well I think it’s great that Americans are able to choose one way or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same sex marriage or opposite marriage. You know what, in my country, in my family, I do believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman, no offense to anybody out there. But that’s how I was raised and I believe that it should be between a man and a woman.

After she made this statement she was apparently heckled by various people after leaving the pageant. In addition, Hilton posted a video on his blog where he called the contestant a “dumb bitch” and stated that there had never been a worse answer in the history of the pageant. On ABC News Perez stated that Prejean lost the crown because of her answer and that “She gave an awful, awful answer that alienated so many people.” He further stated, “There are various other ways she could have answered that question and still stayed true to herself without alienating millions of people.”

What is so interesting to me is that Prejean was thrust into controversy simply due to what she was against and this became much more central to the story about her than anything else. Her personal feelings about gay marriage were what suddenly defined her, and she suddenly became the hot subject of media controversy.

The second story that caught my attention lately was the response of a New York Congressman, Rep. Peter King, to a representative introduced by a Texas Congresswoman, Re. Sheila jackson Lee, to honor Michael Jackson after his death:

“Let’s knock out the psychobabble,” King said in the video, which was posted by his campaign. “He was a pervert, a child molester; he was a pedophile. And to be giving this much coverage to him, day in and day out, what does it say about us as a country? I just think we’re too politically correct.”

This statement as well has drawn a tremendous amount of criticism and publicity. It may also have serious negative repercussions on this person’s career, just as the career of Prejean was negatively affected by her comments.

What does all of this have to do with your career? What my lessons with BACCHUS and watching events in the world have taught me is that people are most often defined by what they are against. When you take a stand against something, you will always attract much more attention for yourself than if you just stand on the sidelines.

I have always had strong feelings about how people who work for my companies should approach their jobs. This has alienated many people from me, but it has also allowed me to help many people with companies that locate and secure an incredible amount of jobs for people. I have strong feelings about the way that people should go about getting jobs and I am against many job boards and other types of employment services. I have views and methods that differ from how many people in the career business operate. While this has made me many enemies, it has also brought my companies and my clients much success. When you are against any cause, belief or way of doing things, you will always generate some enemies. However, at the same time when you really stand for something, you will also generate followers and people who are loyal. There is no better way to define yourself than by taking a stand against something rather than simply standing for something.

If you are against something, you will find that people who are of the same mindset will often come to your aid and support you as well. When you look at companies and various organizations, you will often find groups of like-minded people who are against this or that. There are real advantages to taking a stand against something and if you do it in the right place, it can be a tremendous help to you. You will find supporters and protectors. People will know who you are very quickly. There is also a risk involved in this, however; being against something can cost you your job if you are not cautious in your approach. Therefore it is possible, even advisable to come across as respectful of differing opinions from your own, while simultaneously taking a firm position in your convictions.

When you are marketing anything, it is generally more effective to be against rather than for something. If you are marketing yourself as against a particular practice, product or point of view, you will find that this will attract a certain audience.

When you are looking for a job, you are marketing yourself. Being against something and making this clear on your résumé is likely to make you stand out more than anything else you put in front of a prospective employer. It may just work in getting you the job you are after.


You can better market yourself by taking a stand against something. Peoples’ personal beliefs, including the things with which they do not agree, define who they are as people. Standing against something differentiates you from the crowd; when done in the correct manner, without disrespecting others’ opinions, such a stance can help you land your dream job.

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About Harrison Barnes

Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.

About BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.

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20 Responses to “ Being Against Something – and Your Job Search”
  1. Tiffany Spaw says:

    What a fabulous way to turn your life around and use your hardships for the good of others. I am impressed at your strength and equally saddened by the paranoia and cruelty of others. I myself have tried to do the same with my own hardships and the only thing that truly matters is the people whose lives you are able to impact and change.

  2. ryan says:

    this blog has a lot of meaning to it. it shows how one person is able to show how he/she can feel about ones opinon to his/her life.

  3. Ryan Edward says:

    That is inspiring and makes total sense all in one. I like how you pointed out that being against something can get you more noticed than just going with the flow.

  4. nutypeseed says:

    Totally agree on the marketing strategy, somewhat akin to writing essays on opinion papers: it’s easier to write against an opinion and contrast ideals than for it and restate ideals already said.

  5. Jay Davis says:

    So basically if im against something and im trying to help someone by going against whatever subject in a possitive way it will help me get hired?

  6. Big Al Bottoms says:

    That’s great! The biggest problem at my college was drugs. It seemed like most of my class mates had big problems with them, and most didn’t even finish college.

  7. Asia D. says:

    I understand the desire and ability to want to change something you are against. Because of my experiences I am devoted to helping prevent teenage pregnancy. I just hope I can parlay that into a career also. Thank you for your story.

  8. Stephen B says:

    The amazing differences between individuals beliefs and morals are astounding. I think what struck me most was the comment on Perez Hilton. While my views may not necessarily coincide with Miss Prejean; it does not mean that I would slander someone for what they believe. It is human nature to perceive the world differently and it is unfortunate that what she believes in has defined who she is.

  9. Texas Tom says:

    I completely agree with you on this one. Being against something (and more importantly, advertising that) indicates an active approach to your ideologies instead of the opposite, a stagnant stance of simply agreeing with a particular practice. Rather you actually ARE active in your opposition doesn’t really matter. Instead, letting a future employer know that you are against, say, “the stimulus package”, carries a tone of passion and integrity.
    Love this story. Thanks for it.

  10. Jennifer K. says:

    This is the kind of post that keeps me coming back to your site. Honest, insightful, and most importantly helpful. Fortunately I already have a job, but this is the kind of advice that transcends the job search. Being “against something” and being vocal about it can probably help me move up in my career as it is just another way to show your individuality and relate to others….

  11. Jordan says:

    This is a very relevant article to ANYONE who went through the college experience. There’s a lot to be gained from seeing old friends never grow out of “stoner” phase.

  12. Joe says:

    It is good that people are standing up against drugs we need more people to not just let it go and do something about it, I know many college kids who need to stop abusing drugs, it is a serious problem!

  13. Patrick Halpin says:

    “It is generally not the things that you stand for or support that make people take notice of you; instead it is what you are against that others notice the most.” This really spoke to me, and it says something about how people view you based on your opinions. It is sad that one is judged most often by their negative opinions of things, especially when they are truly justified in their opinion as in your case.

  14. Steven says:

    Hey great blog! I have struggled with drugs and alchohol abuse in my earlier life, and it was refreshing reading this paper. It really seams like you have put yourself out there, standing up for what you believe, and helping others. Great read

  15. jessica says:

    yeah….seriously, sometimes when standing for what you believe in really makes you feel outnumbered…its not always half are booing you, but the other half are carrying you on their shoulders. sometimes it just sucks.

  16. Horacio V. says:

    Being agaisnt something, then making your mission in life to be against it sounds like a negative way to live. However, when the intention is to help people, being agianst that which causes harm seems like a good way to live.

  17. Ricardo P. says:

    Definitely a heart felt story. It really opened my eyes when you wrote about bending the mold, not to take things but go out and change it. I’ve also been faced with the pressure using drugs but unlike many i actually did not do it. I’m glad your out there preventing drug use.

  18. ravi says:

    what i am think. i think it is to good article for every person to read those person are not read.

  19. yash says:

    great article must read.

  20. Walter Earl Roper says:

    I think your article was a gold mine – define by what you are not and what you despise is almost a game changer in my mind. I hate people who say stoop to the lowest levels to get something accomplished. I have never read anything like your comments. Eye Opener.

    I’m a University of Illinois Graduate and did some of my work at U of I Chicago. I would like to converse more with you about this issue.

    Below is a sample of my credentials …

    Walter Earl Roper


    Cedar Park, TX 78750
    ■ e: roperw4@gmail.com
    ■ c: 512-963-9526


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You can better market yourself by taking a stand against something. Peoples’ personal beliefs, including the things with which they do not agree, define who they are as people. Standing against something differentiates you from the crowd; when done in the correct manner, without disrespecting others’ opinions, such a stance can help you land your dream job.