Self Improvement Books

Siddhartha – An Indian Tale

Hermann Hesse’s allegorical novel Siddhartha, written in a simple, yet powerful lyrical style, is a tremendously inspiring book, written in…

The Secret of the Ages

Robert Collier’s book, The Secret of the Ages, is one of the true classics of self-improvement literature. The book has…

Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Women

Arnold Bennett's Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Women is a lighthearted, yet thought-provoking collection of articles that…

Secrets of Mental Supremacy

Secrets of Mental Supremacy, by W. R. C. Latson, is an excellent self-improvement book that contains a series of simple,…

The Mental Cure

In this interesting book, The Mental Cure, Warren Felt Evans talks about the role of mental hygiene in the treatment…

Emotional Intelligence

In this book, Emotional Intelligence, Sean McPheat talks about the impact of emotional intelligence (EI) on your career. The term…

What All the World’s A-Seeking

In his book What All the World’s A-Seeking, Ralph Waldo Trine explains in an extremely lucid and simple manner the…

The Art of Personal Effectiveness

“The Art of Personal Effectiveness" by Eric Garner, encourages readers to be assertive and confident. It is an anthology of…

How to Turn Your Ability into Cash

How to Turn Your Ability into Cash by Earl Prevette is an interesting book that revolves around methods on controlling…

Thought Power: Its Control And Culture

Our minds have tremendous power and can do incredible tasks once we know how to activate its power. In Annie…