Self Improvement Books

Self Improvement Books

Running Effective Meetings

View Count: 2066

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Throughout our commercial career we require to attend several meetings. Most of these are a complete waste of time as they are unfocused and more often result in no action taking place. In this publication authored by Sean McPheat, the Founder and Managing...

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Character-Building Thought Power

View Count: 2220

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In his book, Character-Building Thought Power, Ralph Waldo Trine draws a clear distinction between good and bad habits. In the process he raises questions as to whether we have control over habit forming and character building, or is it just a matter...

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Management – The Other Side

View Count: 966

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Predominantly, this is an e-book that talks about the intricacies and clarities on various attributes of management, and enables all those who aspire to be future managers, or want to embark on the pursuit to be leaders in organizations they work in....

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Scientific Advertising By Claude Hopkins

View Count: 1498

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Scientific Advertising by Claude Hopkins is one of my favorite books. It is a classic book and something that many people I know who are extremely successful have claimed as the source of their success. The book was the first popular book to talk about...

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Influence: How to Exert It

View Count: 2488

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Yoritomo-Tashi presents to us ideas that enormously dominate the human mind through this tremendously inspiring book, Influence: How to Exert It. In the twelve lessons contained in this book, the methods by which influence may be exerted and exercised...

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How to Attract Success

View Count: 1662

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How to Attract Success is a book I know you will enjoy greatly. Here, Sears introduces the concept of the Law of Harmonious Attraction. Under this law, things come to us in the world not because we want them to and make them do so; but because they want...

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The Art of Managing People

View Count: 2957

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In these intolerant times, this E-book by Eric Garner can make us smile due to its accuracy and wisdom. Each quote, part of this book, offers its readers essential learning to skillfully manage people. In this collection, you’ll find about 500 quotes...

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Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

View Count: 2027

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Through his book, Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion, Emile Coué talks about the force of incalculable power within us, which if we direct in a conscious and wise manner, gives us the mastery of ourselves. This force teaches us to escape and...

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Mental Chemistry

View Count: 1535

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Napolean Hill, the author of probably the greatest success self help book of all time, Think & Grow Rich, was massively influenced by Charles Haanel’s most famous work, The Master Key System. This is a transcription of a letter that Hill wrote...

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Your Forces and How to Use Them

View Count: 1914

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In this book titled Your Forces and how to Use them, Christian Larson talks about the inherent energies present in each one of us and how one can achieve great things just by realizing and using this limitless energy to the maximum possible extent. The...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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