
You Need to Be in the Right Environment

In this article, Harrison explains how success is directly related to being in the ideal environment. You need to study…

Your Life Is the Product of Your Rituals

I just returned from a two-day conference where the only choices I had for lunch each day were sandwiches with…

Use Personal Stories to Connect with an Employer and Get a Job

Marketing is crucial to your job search, because employers are essentially purchasing a product when hiring you. The more positive…

The Importance of Sacrifice to Our Careers

You must constantly be sacrificing in order to ensure advancement in your life. You will always be called upon to…

Why Aren’t There More American Day Laborers, Doctors, Engineers and Textile Workers?

In this article Harrison explains the economic rule which says - your rewards will be in direct proportion to the…

Career Lessons from Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa is universally praised for her legacy of good works, having emerged from obscurity to worldwide acclaim. The lessons…

Never Have Secrets

Do not keep any secrets in your career; people who keep parts of their lives secret usually are not being…

Are You Motivated by Power, Relationships, or Achievement?

There are three universal motivators; power, relationships, and achievement. It is very important that you determine which of these three…

You Need to Bring a Singular Focus to Everything You Do

In this article, Harrison discusses the interesting concept of the fox and the hedgehog in association with your job search.…

If You Want to Earn More, You Need to Be Worth More

You are a commodity, and your security and success depends on creating much more value to your employer than you…