
Understanding Personality Types

Understanding what makes people tick has become a key issue for anyone, who works with others. This e-book written by…

Ferraris Crashing Into Poles and the Importance of Focus in Your Life and Career

Many people mistakenly focus their energy on things that they want to avoid, rather than the things they wish to…

Plastic Surgery, Suzanne Somers, Certainty, Variety and Your Career

People always seek the diametrically opposed goals of security and improvement. Security and stability necessitates keeping things the way they…

Your Success Is a Product of the Procedures You Follow

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of following the correct procedures in order to ensure success in your career…

Change Your Thermostat

You must come out of your comfort zone, and realize that success and growth comes from change. Break through your…

Treating Your Career Like a Small Business

Your career is a business, and you yourself are a product that you are selling to potential employers. Your goal…

Do and Give More Than Is Expected of You

In every job, there is always much more to do than what is actually expected of you; by dong more…

The Art of Leadership

Through this book, Eric Garner explains the art of leadership through a selection of 500 quotes written by Confucius, I…

Prank Phone Calls, Accountability and Your Career

Accountability is a necessary career skill, and one that will lead you to considerable success. You are necessarily accountable, whether…

The Sun Does Not Always Shine Forever

Since the sun does not always shine forever, you must take a pragmatic approach towards your life and career; remember…