
The Lone Drainer and Carlos the Evil Plumber

Around Los Angeles there is a plumbing service known as the Lone Drainer. The Lone Drainer typically drives around in…

Never Go for the “Quick Advantage”

Direct your efforts to creating the most long-term value in everything you do, rather than taking from people every chance…

Give the World What It Wants

One of the most fundamental laws in the human and animal kingdom is that you must contribute to the world…

Look for the Cause

Everything happens for a reason, and that reason might lie hidden underneath the surface. Understand the root cause of everything…

Parking Benefits and Falling in Love with Your Job

You must find a job about which you are passionate, perform it with dedication, and make sure this dedication is…

Specialize, Be Seen and Associate with Greatness

Not too long ago, I was spending the afternoon with a man who had sold a company for $850 million…

The Secret Career Tactic of “Lock In”

Get your employer to commit to you, and keep coming back again and again. This “lock in” is a tactic…

The Solution to Problems Lies within Each Problem

We all create problems about something in our lives, and respond to these problems differently; these problems are life’s way…

Relationships, Commodities, and Making Connections

When you are a commodity, you can be replaced on a whim and have no value beyond anyone else in…

The Madman

The Lebanese American artist, poet, and writer Kahlil Gibran, in his book The Madman, presents a thought-provoking collection of short…