
Do Not Be Immobilized in Your Job Search

If you are not functioning at your highest level in your job search, then you are immobilized; you must get…

Choose Work That Fits Your Nature

Everyone has a distinct nature and view of the world; you must understand yours, and choose a lifestyle and work…

How to Attract Success

How to Attract Success is a book I know you will enjoy greatly. Here, Sears introduces the concept of the…

You Are Never Too Good to Stop Learning

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of educating yourself constantly. You need to take advantage of every opportunity to…

Your Commitment Needs to Defy Explanation

In this article, Harrison discusses the power of commitment. Your commitment and love for what you do need to defy…

Do Not Tell Yourself You Have Negative Traits

Do not convince yourself of your own negative traits. We often adopt negative characteristics rather than positive ones to excuse…

Your Job Search Is a Marketing Operation and You Are the Product

Someone who wants to succeed in finding a job must understand marketing. Regardless of what you do, your job search…

Are You a Quality Product?

One of the most amazing things about living where I do, in Malibu, California, is observing how well many people…

The Art of Managing People

In these intolerant times, this E-book by Eric Garner can make us smile due to its accuracy and wisdom. Each…

Change Your Identity and Change Your Life

You can easily make your vision of yourself more real when you start to do the things the person you…