
The Importance of Sharing

The most successful people in the world share the common characteristic of sharing, or concentrating on the value that they…

Your Job Is about the Transference Energy

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of ‘energy’ over technical skills. When people are hiring you they are purchasing…

Your Perceptions Will Control Your Outcome and Life

In this article Harrison discusses that the meaning you give to things will control the quality of your life. How…

Your Job Is a Game-Make Your Opponents External

In this article Harrison explains how you can ensure success in your career by externalizing your opponents. Your job is…

You Need to Stand for Something

In this article Harrison discusses how people who stand for something always do better than those who do not. Companies…

The Importance of Disconnecting from Your Work

Some of the happiest, most well-adjusted, and most effective people I know are also people who have a profound ability…

Self-Esteem and Lunch Room Tables

True self-esteem comes from within, not from the acceptance of others. When your sense of worth comes from within, you…

Mike Tyson, Distractions, Your Career and Life

Do not be distracted by your insecurities and doubts, or you will never achieve success because you will not allow…

Seek Out and Work with People Who Share Your Beliefs

You must seek to understand the different beliefs of the people around you. Everyone holds their own unique set of…

How to Find Teaching Jobs, Education Jobs and School Jobs

Education is a gigantic industry, and there are many employers for whom you can work. One of the most rewarding…