
You Are Just Fine the Way You Are

In this article Harrison explains the need to accept yourself the way you are. Harrison believes that most of us…

Show Up on Time

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of showing up on time. When you do not show up on time…

Show Value, Do Not Expect Value

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of focusing all your energies on creating value for others. When your focus…

Poisonous Tomatoes, 9/11, Kabbalah, Ether, Indian Yogis and the Incredible Power Available to You

In this article Harrison discusses that there is incredible power which is available out there that we only need to…

Avoid Sophisticated and Saturated Markets

One of the biggest mistakes people make in their job searches is going after jobs in sophisticated markets. A sophisticated…

The Lesson of the Maharaji

Several months ago I was at a party and found myself seated next to a world famous media personality and…

Emotions and Our Careers

Everyone tries to maintain a certain emotional state, and learning to control your own emotions will have a profound impact…

Choose Your Negotiations Wisely

Everything is negotiable, and thus it is important that you choose your negotiations wisely. First, judge your negotiating environment and…

Change Your Perception of the World and You Will Change Your Life

   [LSD] is “one of the two or three most important things I’ve done in my life” – Steve Jobs…

Career Lessons from Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is universally praised for her legacy of good works, having emerged from obscurity to worldwide acclaim. The lessons…