

Why Robin Williams Killed Himself: The Importance of Being Yourself

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Robin Williams grew up a few miles from where my father grew up, and he is about 10 years younger than my father. Both my grandparents and Williams’ parents were prominent, well-known members of the same community. Strangely, Williams looks very, very...

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Job Sites Online

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Here is a list of job search sites to help you with whatever type of job search you may be doing: List of job search sites In addition, I’ve also added what I feel are some good job search resources (including employers) from different industries...

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Never Overlook the Obvious

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When I was in my third year of college in Chicago, I received a notice from the City of St. Claire Shores, Michigan, that I owed them $18,000 and needed to report to court, because I might actually be responsible for owing them even more money. St. Claire...

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Nightly Sex in Hotel Bar Bathrooms with Women in Burqas

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I first saw a few of them when I got on the plane in Los Angeles. I had a stopover in Dubai and would be traveling there first. A few women got on the airplane wearing burqas. A burqa is something that some Muslim women wear to cover their face and body...

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Area 51 in Nebraska, Suicides, and the Danger of Comparing Yourself to Others

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During my last year of law school, I was walking back from class one day and passed an old apartment I had lived in during my first year of law school.  Wearing shorts and no shirt, a classmate of mine was crouched outside against a wall in the fetal...

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The Psychology of Human Misjudgment by Charles T. Munger

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Charles T. Munger is the vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway. He gave three separate talks ranging from about 20 to 23 years ago. These were combined into this talk (that was never made) about 25 different biases that actually are the cause of most bad decisions...

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Acres of Diamonds

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I have republished Russell Conwell’s Acres of Diamonds below. Conwell delivered this speech over 5,000 times between 1900 and 1925. It is one of the greatest pieces on finding opportunity that I have ever read. –Harrison Acres of Diamonds When...

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Be Vulnerable and Authentic

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At about the age of nine or so, I met someone at school who was very popular and we became friends. At some point early in our relationship he said this about another kid we knew: “My parents said I am not allowed to be friends with kids of divorced...

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Within You is the Power

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Within You is the Power By Henry Thomas Hamblin TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Chapter 1. Infinite Life and Power Chapter 2. The Overcoming of Life’s Difficulties Chapter 3. Fate or Free-Will? Chapter 4. Cause and Effect Chapter 5. Success Chapter...

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Rolls Royces, Your Ego and Choosing Who You Are Controlled By

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Several years ago I made some money selling a big piece of residential property and bought myself a Rolls Royce Phantom. The car cost $450,000 when it was new but when I got around to buying the car it was used and a year old and thankfully less expensive. The...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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