

The Secret of Success

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William Atkinson’s The Secret of Success is a nine-lesson course in which the author talks about the”‘Something Else” and the “Something Within” a person, besides the good qualities, which lead to success. This book...

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Your Invisible Power

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Your Invisible Power was the first book and by far the most powerful and popular works of Genevieve Behrend. Here, she presents, perpetuates, and shares the knowledge of the Troward philosophy at its best, teaching us how to use the power of visualization...

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The Way of Peace

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This week, I’d like to share with you James Allen’s  “The Way of Peace”. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and I do hope you find it interesting too. –Harrison The Way of Peace By James Allen TABLE OF CONTENTS   Chapter...

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Project Management

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In this book, Olaf Passenheim, reveals that the ‘Know-how’ and the ‘Do-how’ can transform project managers into excellent project managers. Project managers can no longer be onlookers directing a team. Today, gaining and sharing project...

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How to Employ Your First Employee

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In this e-book, Kate Russell, Managing Director of Russell HR Consulting, explains that the real success of hiring your first employee lies in following the correct procedures, adhering to the requirements of legislation and taking action at an early...

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Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism

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Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism by O. Hashnu Hara is an amazing book giving us step-by-step instructions on the secret processes of magnetic healing for curing ailments and illnesses. This is a course of lessons on the action of...

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The Way to Power

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L. W. Rogers’s Self-Development and the Way to Power is a marvelously inspiring book that speaks of happiness as a product of wisdom. Rogers states that a person is either a slave of nature or a master of its law. He believes that suffering is unnatural...

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As Seen on TV, P.T. Barnum, Penis Pills and Your Career

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  I confess that I took no pains to set my enterprising fellow-citizens a better example. I fell in with the world’s way; and if my “puffing” was more persistent, my advertising more audacious, my posters more glaring, my pictures...

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Appreciate Those Around You

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Back when I was around 21 years old, my best friend Joe Friendmann and I used to hang out in Downtown Detroit on Thursday nights. There were bars that were set up in old river boats, and a ton of other young college students who had grown up around Detroit...

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You Need to Offer Hope

View Count: 3440

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When I was about 12 years old my stepfather was dying of cancer. The cancer had spread so far in his body there was nothing the doctors could really do anymore. They had already completed several operations, which had removed a lot of the cancer, but...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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