Getting Ahead

Are You Motivated by Power, Relationships, or Achievement?

There are three universal motivators; power, relationships, and achievement. It is very important that you determine which of these three…

You Need to Bring a Singular Focus to Everything You Do

In this article, Harrison discusses the interesting concept of the fox and the hedgehog in association with your job search.…

If You Want to Earn More, You Need to Be Worth More

You are a commodity, and your security and success depends on creating much more value to your employer than you…

Helpers and Non-Helpers

There are two types of people in the world; helpers and non helpers. The more of a helper you are,…

Happiness, Desire, and the Key to Life

While everyone’s respective wishes motivate them, their fulfillment seldom brings anyone happiness. Don’t perpetually chase after the next goal, but…

The Peter Principle and Being Ready for More Responsibility

Only take on more responsibility when you are ready for it. While it is fine to try new things, you…

Do Not Stop Seeing Opportunity: Step Outside Your Mind’s Comfort Zone and Begin to Dream

Nothing is more destructive than not pursuing your dreams, and in order to do this you must step outside of…

How to Count in Your Career and Life

Recognize a pervasive, universal spirit or oneness, and harmonize with it in order to leave a lasting mark on the…

Plant Yourself in Good Soil

Regardless of your other talents and qualifications, a healthy environment is necessary for your success. Do not associate with people…

How You Handle Chaos Will Determine Your Success or Failure

There is no such thing as true security in either work or life. Companies must subject themselves to change and…