Goal Setting

Ferraris Crashing Into Poles and the Importance of Focus in Your Life and Career

Many people mistakenly focus their energy on things that they want to avoid, rather than the things they wish to…

Treating Your Career Like a Small Business

Your career is a business, and you yourself are a product that you are selling to potential employers. Your goal…

Never Stop Growing

Never stop growing and trying to be the best person you can be. Realize that every day is a new…

Give the World What It Wants

One of the most fundamental laws in the human and animal kingdom is that you must contribute to the world…

Strategy, Symbolism, and Your Career

For several decades, Kaiser Permanente, a large HMO based in Oakland, California, has spent tens of millions of dollars annually…

Noah, Floods, Creative Destruction and Your Career

Change is the most beneficial thing that can happen to you; starting from scratch gives you the opportunity rebuild your…

Be the Person You Are Capable of Being

You have the power to become the person you are capable of being. Although you will face external obstacles in…

Insider Trading, Ponzi Schemes, and Making the Most of Your Assets

You have far more assets than you realize or comprehend, and you need to devote your career and life to…

Concentrate on Your Product

Knowing your product is crucial to your career and life. Just as you must have a clear sense of your…

Finish What You Start

People with meaningful lives finish what they start; this says a lot about their character, and leaves a lasting impression…