How to Succeed

Order and Disorder and Your Career

Two fundamental laws of the universe are that order leads to disorder, and disorder leads to order. Since disorder always…

Shake Things Up, Do What’s Best for You, and Be Grateful

Be the person you want to be; if you see yourself naturally going in a certain direction, then you must…

The Importance of High Standards in Your Life and Career: What High Standards Mean

It is important to have high standards. For the most part, life will pay any price you ask of it.…

Seven Reasons People Never Have the Successful Careers They Are Capable of

People who fail to reach their career goals are too complacent, rely too much on the opinions of others, allow…

Avoid Sophisticated and Saturated Markets

One of the biggest mistakes people make in their job searches is going after jobs in sophisticated markets. A sophisticated…

The Lesson of the Maharaji

Several months ago I was at a party and found myself seated next to a world famous media personality and…

Change Your Perception of the World and You Will Change Your Life

   [LSD] is “one of the two or three most important things I’ve done in my life” – Steve Jobs…

Do Not Allow Others to Hold You Back from Success

Imagine you are a doctor working in a small clinic in the suburbs of Chicago. You are surrounded by uninspired…

Pay Attention to the Details

The most successful people are often obsessed with and are incredibly knowledgeable about the minutiae of their work. You must…

To Innovate You Need to Make Your Own Rules

One of the benefits of being an outsider is not being weighed down by the same social mores, rules, customs,…