How to Succeed

Cheap Beer, Overpriced Chocolate, and Being Visible and Approachable

In this article Harrison explains how your effectiveness in your work will always be dependent upon your ability to get…

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Cool Hand Luke and Being Who You Want to Be

Embrace your individuality, and fight the human instinct for consistency and sameness in your self-image. Appreciate all of your personality’s…

The Better Your Product, the Better Your Life

You must think of yourself as a product, something of value for which people are willing to pay. Your career…

Do Not Ever Be Afraid to Broadcast Your Value

You need to constantly broadcast your value in your current job; make sure that your bosses are aware of what…

Managers, Idea People, and Workers

You, like everyone else, are naturally disposed to be either a dreamer, a manager, or a worker. Consequently, your happiness…

Merchants in a Middle Eastern Bazaar

There are different negotiation styles around the world and different ways of doing business. In some parts of the Middle…

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and Taking Your Thoughts and Life Out of the Shadows

You must learn to see the world differently in order to find a job, change your life’s direction, and become…

How to Manage Crisis

Crisis is among the most challenging things that anyone can face, and many people cannot cope and fail in the…

You Need to Be in the Right Environment

In this article, Harrison explains how success is directly related to being in the ideal environment. You need to study…

The Importance of Sacrifice to Our Careers

You must constantly be sacrificing in order to ensure advancement in your life. You will always be called upon to…