Life Lessons

You Are Never Too Good to Stop Learning

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of educating yourself constantly. You need to take advantage of every opportunity to…

Your Commitment Needs to Defy Explanation

In this article, Harrison discusses the power of commitment. Your commitment and love for what you do need to defy…

Are You a Quality Product?

One of the most amazing things about living where I do, in Malibu, California, is observing how well many people…

Criticism, Your Career, and Your Life

When you are successful, many around you will envy your success rather than being happy for you. The ability to…

Do Not Blame the System or Others: Accept Responsibility

You must accept responsibility for your actions and their consequences, rather than blaming others. The system is rarely responsible for…

Work, Details, Your Surroundings and Your Mind

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of first tending to the smaller tasks in life in order to be…

Face Reality

You must face cold, hard reality in order to truly determine your situation; despite the benefits of doing so, facing…

See Things The Way They Are

Ranking people, assets, opportunities, etc. is one of the most powerful practices that you can implement. Ranking people against one…

Make Sure Your Life and Dreams Are Your Own

Make sure that your life, dreams, and goals are your own rather than somebody else’s. Most people grow and expand…

Cattle, the Importance of Maintaining Fences-and Your Career

You must establish strong, well-maintained fences around everything in your life, and be aware of who is within them. To…