Life Lessons

What You Want, Do Not Want and Need to Be

When I was younger and less experienced in the ways of business, I made some huge mistakes. One of the…

Concentrate on Your Strengths

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of understanding what your key strengths are and using them to the best…

Share What You Know

Information is the most important thing you can possess; the more you share information with your colleagues, the more they…

The Danger of Driving Sharp Bargains

The most successful people in the world create so much value for others that everyone wants to do business with…

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave and Taking Your Thoughts and Life Out of the Shadows

You must learn to see the world differently in order to find a job, change your life’s direction, and become…

How to Manage Crisis

Crisis is among the most challenging things that anyone can face, and many people cannot cope and fail in the…

Do Not Allow Others to Prey on Your Fantasies

People all around you prey on common fantasies of wealth, jobs, health, and other things; the prospect of instant gratification…

Why You Should Be Suspicious of Flattery and Listen Closely to Criticism

A year or so ago, a film producer called me and told me he was going to make me quite…

Phony Accident Scenes, Internal Affairs, Racial Discrimination, and Your Career

Identify and uphold your values, and live your life in an ethical manner rather than trying short cuts to get…

Ask Others What Course You Are On

Looking back at the past, one can always identify the mistakes that he or she did not know any better…