Getting Ahead

Getting Ahead

Ships, Relativity and Your Happiness

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A few months ago, I found myself sitting in a shipyard getting ready to look at a couple of ships. The particular ship I was going to look at next had originally been used to ferry crew back and forth to oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. It had three huge...

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Challenge Yourself and Get Input from Others

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One of the keys to being successful in anything is seeking the input of others. Those who are at the top of their game in just about every discipline are experts at taking criticism and feedback from others. Not only are they experts in seeking criticism—they...

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Visualize Where You Are Going: Think Big

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Some time ago I saw a movie called The Secret. Afterward, I read the book, which essentially professes you need to visualize where you are going in order to get there. A famous book quoted in The Secret is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Anthony...

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Filed under Featured, Goal Setting 5 Comments  

Play the Game by Your Own Rules

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We essentially have two choices in our lives. First, we can be average. We can let the people around us mold us, and we can let society marginalize us, as we follow its so-called norms. Alternatively, we can take a stand, choose not to play by the rules,...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed 2 Comments  

If You Really Want Success, Go through Unpeopled Ground

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In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says, “To go one thousand lives without fear, go through unpeopled ground.” To me, this means when you go forward, you should move through open space that is undesired or uncontested. When you move in this way, your...

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Filed under How to Succeed 4 Comments  

Winning in Your Job Search and Life Means Going Forward No Matter What Criticism You Think You May Receive

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Every day when I sit down to work in the morning and turn on my computer, I receive several emails and comments about the companies I run and about me personally. Some people write to tell me I’m the stupidest person they’ve ever encountered. Other...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed, Life Lessons 15 Comments  

Concentrate Your Effort Where You Can Grow Roots

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At least once a month someone approaches me to speak about a business proposition that has absolutely nothing to do with what I do for a living. A few years ago, someone wanted me to work on building self-storage centers. A few years before that someone...

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Sympathy, Morale, and the Importance of Being Organized

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In every job I have ever had, I have been happy for the most part. When I was an attorney, for example, I liked many aspects of being an attorney. When I worked in the asphalt business, I loved many aspects of that business. Most people are able to find...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed 43 Comments  

Good Things Only Happen When You Are Moving

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Probably the low point of my life was the summer I decided I needed to get ready for eleventh grade. Since I was young, I had been told that if I wanted to get into a good college, I would have to earn excellent grades in eleventh grade. My father had...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, How to Succeed 3 Comments  

Carpenters, Fancy French Restaurants, Backstage, and Your Career

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One of my favorite stories is about a man who has a creak in his house. For years he has tried one way or another to fix the creak, but every single time he walks through the old house it still makes that annoying squeaky sound. No one has ever been able...

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Filed under Staying Positive 8 Comments  

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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