Getting Ahead

Getting Ahead

You Need to Sell, Sell, Sell

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A strange misconception among many people, especially professionals, is that there is something wrong with selling. When I talk about selling, I am referring to any number of sales activities: Selling yourself in an interview Selling yourself in a cover...

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Take Responsibility

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A few months ago, a famous businessman came to visit me in my office. This man is quite well-known and was a high-profile politician at one point in his career. He is the sort of executive you may read about on the cover of the Wall Street Journal, and...

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Do Not Allow Others to Be in Control of Your Career and Life

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Several years ago, I bought a car that formerly belonged to a very heavy smoker. By the looks of the interior, the car had been exposed to smoke for at least eight hours a day for more than a decade by the time I got it. My first order of business when...

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How You Deal with Problems Will Determine the Quality of Your Life

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One of the things I have learned over the years is anyone can be up when things are going well. However, the real challenge is when things are not going well. All businesses and all relationships go through problems, and how you deal with problems will...

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Are You More Motivated by the Opinions of Others-or Your Own?

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When I first moved to Los Angeles, I found myself spending the occasional Saturday or Sunday going to Beverly Hills with a girlfriend to look in clothing stores. One of the stores that I usually ended up in was a store like Barneys, which carries both...

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You Need Relationships before Transactions

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My wife and I enjoy taking classes. We’ve taken classes in meditation, various exercise classes, acting classes, different types of yoga, Eastern religion, and even classes that simply deal with the nature and meaning of various things. Several years...

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You Always Need a Backup Plan

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Being in the asphalt business in Detroit taught me very early on that things frequently go wrong. In fact, things go wrong so frequently, it is difficult to believe: Pumps break. Tanks break. Trucks break. People get injured. Employees do not show up...

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Concentrate on the Positive, Not the Negative

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The most successful people concentrate almost exclusively on the positive and not the negative. In fact, the negative hardly influences them at all. You need to see the world and the people in it as happy, prosperous, and good. Like attracts like. If...

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Filed under Featured, Goal Setting 29 Comments  

See Your Connection with Others and Not the Differences

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When I was in first grade, an older woman with glasses came down to our classroom and gathered a few students including myself. She proceeded to sit all of us on a bench and ask us questions covering a variety of topics. She told us that we were the...

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Filed under Featured, Staying Positive 6 Comments  

You Are Never Too Good to Stop Learning

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I once read an article in Wired magazine about a guy who had developed an airplane with foldable wings that you can tow behind a car. It was a long article, and I was very interested in this airplane because at one point in my life I was studying to...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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