Keeping a Job

How to Survive and Succeed in Your Job

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of being well informed to be able to succeed in any job. Information…

Can You Be Trusted?

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of credibility in your career and in your life. The most important question…

Government Bailouts, Groups and Your Career

In business, innovation comes from the freedom to operate; stagnation and failure result when a government attempts to legislate business.…

Remain Calm

Remain calm at all times, and stay focused on the world around you to make considered decisions before acting. You…

Why Aren’t There More American Day Laborers, Doctors, Engineers and Textile Workers?

In this article Harrison explains the economic rule which says - your rewards will be in direct proportion to the…

Find an Employer with Similar Values

Nothing gets accomplished when peoples’ values are in conflict, so it is very important to work with an employer who…

Get Security By Concentrating on the Needs of Your Employer

Concentrate on your employer’s needs in order to achieve career stability. While everyone seeks security, it is detrimental to approach…

Athens, Sparta, America and Your Job Search

While Athens prioritized culture and intellectualism, the people of Sparta devoted themselves to simplicity and discipline. You need to approach…

You Need to Be Connected with Others at Work

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of the need to be connected with others at work. People need to…

If My Boss Gets Mad at Me or I Get a Poor Review, Does This Mean I Should Look for a New Job?

If your boss gets mad at you or if you get a poor review, you should consider yourself blessed. While…