Life Lessons

Extraordinary Events Often Give Us the Most Important Lessons

The most important lessons often come from extraordinary or bizarre circumstances. Seemingly unimportant lessons can be underscored and lent significance…

Protect Your Reputation at All Costs

Protect your reputation at all costs, and do not let false rumors or information about you to stand uncorrected. You…

Practice Makes Perfect

Rather than committing to a career, many people switch jobs and take positions that require completely different skill sets; consequently,…

Cheap Is Expensive: A Marine Disaster

When you buy something cheap, it is often likely to be expensive in the long-term; things that seem too good…

Life Supports What Supports Life

Be supportive of those around you; the more you do this, the more successful you will be in your work…

Hypnotists, Worry and Living Your Life Today

An ability to control worry is a common trait of many of the most successful people. Worry, for the most…

Are You Motivated by Information, People, Activities, Things or Places?

Determining whether you are most interested in information, people, places, or things can help you better understand your career and…

The Importance of Sharing Ideas

You must share information freely, and never hide information from anyone. When you give away all your ideas you create…

Find the Best Target Audience for Your Skills

There are people in your life, just as in everyone else’s, who do not appreciate your talents and will seek…

Groups and Their Norms Determine the Outcome of Our Lives

One of the most important aspects of the people around you is their definition of the “norm”; norms of acceptable…