Life Lessons

Life Lessons

The Universe Is Structured to Have Inequalities

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The universe is structured to have inequalities. However, instead of accepting these inequalities, most of us resist the inequalities and fight against them. The act of fighting against the inequalities consumes energy, makes us unhappy, and ultimately...

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The Need to Feel Loved, Your Life and Career

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Several years ago an old friend of mine was coming to town for a few nights. He was living in New York at the time and was arriving in Los Angeles with his girlfriend to visit her parents. I was excited about seeing him, as we had not seen each other...

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You Must Have the Home Team Advantage

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One of the most interesting things to me is witnessing people when they make a complete reversal in their lives and overnight become incredibly successful, happy, and fulfilled people. Perhaps the reason this is so fascinating is that it happens so rarely....

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Charlemagne, the Roman Empire, and the Importance of Good Leadership

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Over the past several years I have become fascinated with leaders and entrepreneurs and what makes them successful. The power of an entrepreneur or leader — to take an idea, unite people around it, and create a long-functioning and successful organization...

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Never Try to Be Someone Different from Who You Are

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A few years ago, the Dean of the law school I attended took me out to lunch.  He was in town because his son was attending a math camp.  He told me his son absolutely loved math and the Dean was nurturing his skill.  Reflecting on his son’s math...

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My Lesson from the Missionaries

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Several years ago, I was working at a law firm and virtually from the moment I arrived a woman I’ll call “Linda” used to come into my office for a few hours a day to talk. Her topic? How bad things were at the law firm. She would share...

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Feral Children, Puzzles, Jews, and Filters

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I remember growing up around kids with books of puzzles and games in elementary school and junior high school; these were always the kinds of kids that did not fit in. They also got beat up after school, were awkward during gym class, got pushed around...

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Change Your Reactions

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When you see a fight occurring between any two people (or groups of people), it is always the case that one side believes it is right about something and that the other side is therefore wrong. It could be a disagreement over a political or territorial...

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You Need to Be Seen as the Cure

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Since I live on the ocean, whenever I look out the window the first things I generally see are surfers, people on jet skis, and so forth. After years of watching at a distance, and without my personally having any ability to stay standing on a surfboard,...

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Go Beneath the Surface to Find a Job

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One of the most interesting theories about life on earth involves the notion that it exists in conditions in which conventional wisdom says it shouldn’t. Carl Wirson of the Wood’s Hole Oceanographic Institution wrote in a 1991 paper: In 1991,...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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