Life Lessons

Life Lessons

Challenge Yourself and Get Input from Others

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One of the keys to being successful in anything is seeking the input of others. Those who are at the top of their game in just about every discipline are experts at taking criticism and feedback from others. Not only are they experts in seeking criticism—they...

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Winning in Your Job Search and Life Means Going Forward No Matter What Criticism You Think You May Receive

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Every day when I sit down to work in the morning and turn on my computer, I receive several emails and comments about the companies I run and about me personally. Some people write to tell me I’m the stupidest person they’ve ever encountered. Other...

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Tell the Truth

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Ever since I moved to Los Angeles years ago I’ve been hearing about a basketball coach named John Wooden. He’s everywhere.  An athletic club I’ve frequented has a John Wooden award.  Books have been written about him – good books, books...

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Anthony Robbins, Work, Jobs, Careers, and Missions

View Count: 1896

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There have been only a couple of times in my life when I was doing something I truly loved. The first was when I was an asphalt contractor and was out in the field each day doing asphalt work. It made me feel like I was building something and truly making...

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We Create Problems So That We Can Grow and Be Happy

View Count: 2016

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When I was 15 years old, my grandmother took me to a Honda motorcycle dealership one day and bought me a moped. I believe it was called an Aero 50. That was one of the greatest days of my life at the time because, for at least the previous few years,...

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Jung, Shadows and Your Potential

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Everyone carries a shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. At all counts, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions. — Dr. Carl G. Jung In 2006, Ted Haggard...

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What You Want, Do Not Want and Need to Be

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When I was younger and less experienced in the ways of business, I made some huge mistakes. One of the most memorable mistakes I ever made was hiring someone to work for me for a healthy six-figure salary in a job I did not even understand. The person...

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Concentrate on Your Strengths

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When you look at the people who are the most successful and who do the best in their trade, you often find a commonality: They are all doing something that they love, which comes naturally to them. In fact, the more you look at what the person is doing,...

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Share What You Know

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Every interaction you have with another person is a chance to make a difference in that person’s life. Every piece of information you have about the world is unique to you. The more you share this information with others, the more others will share...

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The Danger of Driving Sharp Bargains

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Every time I have ever seen someone drive a sharp bargain, it has ended up coming back at the person in some negative way. People who get paid more than they are worth, or who receive more benefit than they provide, always run into problems and have...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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