The Role of Jobs in Today’s World

Why Aren’t There More American Day Laborers, Doctors, Engineers and Textile Workers?

In this article Harrison explains the economic rule which says - your rewards will be in direct proportion to the…

How to Use Social Networking, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter in Your Job Search

You greatly increase your chances of being hired by maintaining constant contact with employers for whom you would like to…

Relationships, Inefficiency, and Your Career

The influence of relationships can inhibit business growth and lead to disaster. At the same time, however, relationships constitute your…

Production Assistants-and Assessing Your Employer’s Needs

Assessing your employers’ needs will lead you to success in both your job search and your career, so work to…

Bad Manners, Rumors, and Your Career

Rumors are extremely dangerous. Competitors and colleagues alike share incorrect, negative information about you, these rumors can spread like wildfire…

Mentors, Attachment Disorders, and Your Career

While your relationship with your parents shapes the future course of your life, you do not have control over the…

The Importance of Finding and Creating Demand

In 2000, I needed computer programmers in our company more than anything. At the time, however, it was exceedingly difficult…

Being in the Zone

Nothing is more crucial to your career success than being “in the zone”, and genuinely passionate about your work. Most…

Don’t Be Dead Weight-Contribute More Than You Take

One of the most important things you can do in your career is generate value for your employer far in…

Find an Employer with Similar Values

Nothing gets accomplished when peoples’ values are in conflict, so it is very important to work with an employer who…