The Role of Jobs in Today’s World

The Lone Drainer and Carlos the Evil Plumber

Around Los Angeles there is a plumbing service known as the Lone Drainer. The Lone Drainer typically drives around in…

Love Your Work and the People Who Give It to You

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of loving your work and also the people who give you work. Work…

Parking Benefits and Falling in Love with Your Job

You must find a job about which you are passionate, perform it with dedication, and make sure this dedication is…

The Secret Career Tactic of “Lock In”

Get your employer to commit to you, and keep coming back again and again. This “lock in” is a tactic…

Relationships, Commodities, and Making Connections

When you are a commodity, you can be replaced on a whim and have no value beyond anyone else in…

The Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Your Job Search

Proof is itself a tool in your job search and if you employ it effectively, you will stand ahead of…

To Get a Job You Need to Get the Employer’s Attention and Be a Safe Choice

If you really want the job you are going after, you need to get your prospective employer’s attention. The most…

How to Use Newspaper Classified Ads and Newspaper Help Wanted Ads to Look for Jobs

Even with technological advances, newspaper ads are still the best source for jobs and a very smart place to look.…

Abraham Lincoln, Bringing People Together, and Your Career

In this article Harrison discusses the power of unifying force in any organization. The success of your career will largely…

You Need to Be in Favor with the Right People

In this article Harrison suggests that you need to be in favor with the right people. These people have an…