Employment Do’s and Don’ts

Bad Manners, Rumors, and Your Career

Rumors are extremely dangerous. Competitors and colleagues alike share incorrect, negative information about you, these rumors can spread like wildfire…

Harmonize with the People in Your Environment

You need not only to fit in, but to be seen as fitting in with your coworkers. Harmonizing with your…

Soup Nazis, Insurance Investment Scams, Consumerism and Focusing on the Work

You need to stay focused on your work – and only your work – in order to achieve the results…

Do Not Be a Victim

Rather than adopt a victim mentality, work to take advantage of the opportunities that you already have. Most people only…

Parking Benefits and Falling in Love with Your Job

You must find a job about which you are passionate, perform it with dedication, and make sure this dedication is…

Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome

Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome (NES) afflicts many people in the current job market; they see themselves as special, and deserving of…

Imitation, Our Parents, and Transference

Everyone seeks to imitate the people they look up to, and with transference they believe that they have an understanding…

21 Major Job Interview Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

I’ve tried to provide you with as much information as possible about mistakes to avoid when you are interviewing. Mastering…

Choose an Employer Who Is Marching Forward

In this article Harrison discusses how your career can see growth if you choose to work with an employer who…

Choose Work That Fits Your Nature

Everyone has a distinct nature and view of the world; you must understand yours, and choose a lifestyle and work…