Finding a Job

Athens, Sparta, America and Your Job Search

While Athens prioritized culture and intellectualism, the people of Sparta devoted themselves to simplicity and discipline. You need to approach…

Don’t Be Persuaded by Others Who Tell You How to Do Your Job Search

Different results will not come from doing the same thing over and over again; to succeed, you must be innovative.…

How to Explain ”Job Hopping”

There is nothing wrong with changing jobs to pursue opportunities, however too much job hopping can inhibit your ability to…

Employers Want to Hire You

Whenever you attend an interview, remember that you are there because your prospective employer has already made an investment in…

Happy Meals and Bonuses

Make a list of the bonuses that you can offer an employer if hired, whether they be contracts or additional…

If My Boss Gets Mad at Me or I Get a Poor Review, Does This Mean I Should Look for a New Job?

If your boss gets mad at you or if you get a poor review, you should consider yourself blessed. While…

The Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Your Job Search

Proof is itself a tool in your job search and if you employ it effectively, you will stand ahead of…

To Get a Job You Need to Get the Employer’s Attention and Be a Safe Choice

If you really want the job you are going after, you need to get your prospective employer’s attention. The most…

How to Use Newspaper Classified Ads and Newspaper Help Wanted Ads to Look for Jobs

Even with technological advances, newspaper ads are still the best source for jobs and a very smart place to look.…

Always Interview on Fridays

Your mood is a major determinant of success in anything you do. You should never enter an interview or any…