Job Market

Athens, Sparta, America and Your Job Search

While Athens prioritized culture and intellectualism, the people of Sparta devoted themselves to simplicity and discipline. You need to approach…

Employers Want to Hire You

Whenever you attend an interview, remember that you are there because your prospective employer has already made an investment in…

The Kick-Ass Marketing Secret of the Most Successful Job Applicants and Employees

Just as a Unique Selling Position (USP) is important to sell a product, your own USP is vital for marketing…

How to Choose a Recruiter Based on Recruiting Style

Recruiters use a variety of approaches, each of which has its merits; the best recruiters, however, use a combination of…

Finding a Job in a Down Market

In this article, Harrison talks about the state of mind as being one of the best methods to deal with…

The Effect of a Weakening Economy on the Job Market

In this article Harrison talks about the need for innovation in America in order to stimulate the current economy. You…