The Role of Jobs in Today’s World
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Historically, the best place to look for jobs was in the newspaper help wanted ads. In fact, newspapers were largely supported by revenue from help wanted ads until recently. The stories you have likely heard about various newspapers closing...
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Several years ago, after September 11, 2001, I was speaking with the founder of an internet consulting firm in San Francisco. The firm was getting ready to close its doors and go out of business because all of its work had gone away. During the several...
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When I started my first company, back in 2000, I and the other people who were with me at the time sat down and had a three-day meeting during which we discussed what we wanted the company to be then and what we wanted it to become. It was an incredible...
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When I was in college I remember going for an interview with the investment bank JP Morgan. I had no idea how I had gotten the interview but it was for something dealing with finance and statistical studies of Asian securities markets. I had gone to...
Filed under Featured, Finding a Job 6 CommentsView Count: 2173
Several years ago I was working with a distinguished law firm partner who had been given a few months to find a new job by his existing firm. The partner had not looked for a job in probably twenty-five-plus years and I think his confidence was ...
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It might not seem like it at first glance, but truly, there are more resources to find jobs than you could ever take advantage of. In fact, despite having been in the career business for more than ten years, I discover new sources of jobs on a daily...
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When I was growing up, I always noticed a fascinating thing with my elder stepsister and many of the girls I knew. As I grew older, I saw my girlfriends repeat this pattern. Once a girl would get a boyfriend, and as the girl started spending less time...
Filed under Featured, Keeping a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 4 CommentsView Count: 3701
The cheapening of any article in common use almost immediately results in a largely increased demand for that article. Take the case of shoes, for instance. The introduction of machinery for doing every element of the work which was formerly done by...
Filed under Featured, Keeping a Job 4 CommentsView Count: 4392
If you are looking for a job, trying to improve in your current job, or simply wish to experience a better life, there’s one thing you need to do: You need to be friends with everyone you meet in business, and stop competing and seeing differences....
Filed under Advancement, Featured 1 CommentView Count: 4586
If you go into any business that’s been around more than twenty or thirty years, you will inevitably find a handful of people who’ve been there from the very beginning of their careers. These well-adjusted souls will typically report to work...
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