The Role of Jobs in Today’s World
View Count: 3745
I have had the most unusual series of interviews over the past few weeks. Yesterday I interviewed a woman who came in smelling like alcohol–to such an extent that my eyes were watering. I asked her about her record and she told me that she had...
Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 28 CommentsView Count: 3017
Many people who order their lives rightly in all other ways are kept in poverty by their lack of gratitude. –Wallace Wattles After years of counseling attorneys in their searches for new employment, I’ve realized most attorneys do not appreciate...
Filed under Featured, Finding a Job 7 CommentsView Count: 3480
The power of the questions we ask ourselves determines the power we have in our lives. It’s estimated that approximately 60,000 thoughts cross our minds daily. It’s what we do with these thoughts that determines our level of happiness, success, and...
Filed under Featured, Finding a Job, Goal Setting, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 10 CommentsView Count: 3065
Some time ago, I was listening to a seminar about a company that was in the furniture business. This company decided that because it was doing so well, it should expand into the piano business, and also sell pianos. They went out and purchased a Steinway...
Filed under Featured, Finding a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 8 CommentsView Count: 2963
Every recruiter’s individual style has certain merits. However, there are recruiters who are truly exceptional at what they do. Choosing an exceptional recruiter is even more important in a bad market because the methods he or she uses determines if...
Filed under Job Market 9 CommentsView Count: 5023
What makes someone successful in his or her career? When it comes down to it, I believe one of the greatest determinants of success is whether or not you are “here.” “Being here” takes two forms. The most obvious is to be here...
Filed under Featured, Finding a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 3 CommentsView Count: 4046
Companies, governments, and other organizations are typically organized in the following way: At the top of the pyramid are people whose job is to strategize for the organization. These are the people who set the entire tone for a group and define what...
Filed under Advancement, Featured 3 CommentsView Count: 4800
I recently heard a story about a man who was on his deathbed. As he lay in bed, he pondered over what he had achieved in his lifetime, and he concluded he had lived his life making no mistakes. This was by far the man’s greatest and most virtuous...
Filed under Featured, Keeping a Job, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 5 CommentsView Count: 7477
1. Your Attitude Is Just as Important as the Quality of Your Work In most organizations, there are various people who have a negative impression of the organization or, for whatever reason, do not like the management. There are also people who may have...
Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 10 CommentsView Count: 1888
I work in the employment industry and a large part of my business is devoted to (1) helping people identify job opportunities through consolidating job listings from hundreds of sources, (2) creating new résumés and cover letters for people from scratch...
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