Employment Do’s and Don’ts

Employment Do’s and Don’ts 47 Comments 

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Concentrate on Your Contribution

Harrison Barnes
By Oct 30,2023
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In this article, Harrison explains the secret behind successful people and the biggest difference between them and those who fail to grow. Most people fail to succeed because they constantly evaluate the rewards they get rather than direct their efforts towards solid constructive work. Successful people on the other hand, are always focused on their work, concentrated on their contributions, and dedicated towards generating value. Unlike others, they do not think about the rewards and are highly passionate about the work they are doing. This characteristic Harrison believes, is what leads to a person’s growth and success.

There is a secret to being an outstanding performer in any job and getting more raises, more recognition, and more responsibility. The secret is to be 100% focused on your work and to be passionate about your job. This is where your energy needs to go. The secret involves another element that is equally important: don’t think about your anticipated reward. If you are committed to excelling at your job, you should not think for a second about what you are receiving in exchange for the work you are doing.

Virtually everyone I know who has succeeded in any calling has shared these characteristics. People who possess these attributes end up getting hired even when the economy is crashing. In fact, if you have these characteristics, you will do well in whatever calling you decide to pursue. These characteristics breed admiration, rewards, and raises, and they also have the potential to make people famous.

One of the best employees I ever hired really epitomized these characteristics when he received an unexpected $20,000 raise one day. Instead of seeming really happy about this, he simply said “thanks” and continued talking about the work problem he was involved in right before getting the raise. I could tell that deep down this guy did not even care much about the raise because he was so focused on the work. Throughout the years, I have received e-mails from him well after hours on numerous occasions, when he has worked late into the night at the office.

He’s never told me about working late into the night. He has never bragged about the work he’s done. He has never asked for a raise. Nevertheless, year after year, the raises keep coming. The contribution he makes continues, and he is never focused on the reward he is going to receive.

Interestingly, numerous people have come and gone during the same time. Every month or two they demand a new raise, show me a list of additional tasks they are working on that merit additional compensation, and when required to work late they often refuse, or if they do stay late, they make a big deal about it. Everything with these people is quid pro quo.

One of our employees once received a paycheck that was $7 less than normal because of a deduction he had set up for insurance. Instead of investigating this and considering the reason behind it, the employee immediately assumed the company had intentionally shortchanged him the seven bucks.

This employee, who was making $80,000 a year at the time, left me a message on my cell phone demanding the $7 and calling me dishonest. Additionally, he sent me an e-mail stating that what had happened was “OUTRAGEOUS!!” (the capital letters and exclamation points are his). This employee also spent the morning he received his check going around telling other employees what had happened, spreading fear throughout the organization. At the time, the company had more than 600 employees.

This person did not stay employed with our company for long. He left because he found an opportunity where he believed he could make a few thousand dollars a year more. He lost that job rapidly and after that, I think he did not find work for a couple of years.

That is what happens to people who focus solely on their reward. Despite their potential, they are so focused on protecting what they do have and making sure they have as much as others that they do not concentrate on their work. These types of workers are too focused on themselves, and they spend too much time thinking about how they are underpaid and deserve more from their employer.

While the above example may sound extreme, I have actually seen this sort of situation occur many times throughout the years. Some people are so focused on protecting what they have or deserve to have, they never get into their work.

You need to get into your work. People who are focused on their work always rise. The natural tendency of bosses, supervisors, and companies is to generously reward people who are making an extraordinary contribution. We want to help those who are helping us.

People who are focused on the reward are more problematic. If people are going out of their way to ensure they are rewarded all the time, the tendency is to resent them and feel they have gotten more than they are worth. A dynamic is set up wherein employers feel they need to protect themselves from the employee. Also, a tendency is to want to balance the scales by taking back from these sorts of employees.

When you look at really good entrepreneurs who succeed in business, you quickly understand they are focused on providing value before they receive a reward. Entrepreneurs know they can only receive a reward if they make a contribution and somehow enrich a person’s life. Entrepreneurs who fail often do so for the same reason that employees fail in their jobs: they concentrate on taking rather than giving. You need to be focused on giving. Many successful business owners do not even reap any substantial profits until after several years of being in business and providing exceptional value.

If you look around at people you have worked with in the past, you too will see there are generally two groups of people. The first consists of people who are focused on their job and are doing the best they possibly can. The second consists of people who are constantly evaluating the rewards they are getting relative to their efforts. They are overly concerned with what others are getting paid and, in general, they always attempt to get a leg up, by getting the most they can out of their employers.

Which sort of person do you think ultimately does better? Focusing on the rewards is a huge mistake because in doing so, you are diverting your energy from what creates the rewards in the first place–your work. In every industry employers want people who are focused on the job, not the rewards. When you hire people for any task (whether it is a doctor, a barber, a painter, etc.), you are much more likely to hire people who are focused on the job instead of the rewards they are going to receive.

We may brag about how our physician is on special committees, and we like the fact the people who are working for us have received awards–these are indicators that someone is committed to the job. The rewards follow from people doing good and solid work, and being focused on the job.

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About Harrison Barnes

Harrison Barnes is the Founder of BCG Attorney Search and a successful legal recruiter himself. Harrison is extremely committed to and passionate about the profession of legal placement. His firm BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys. BCG Attorney Search works with attorneys to dramatically improve their careers by leaving no stone unturned in a search and bringing out the very best in them. Harrison has placed the leaders of the nation’s top law firms, and countless associates who have gone on to lead the nation’s top law firms. There are very few firms Harrison has not made placements with. Harrison’s writings about attorney careers and placements attract millions of reads each year. He coaches and consults with law firms about how to dramatically improve their recruiting and retention efforts. His company LawCrossing has been ranked on the Inc. 500 twice. For more information, please visit Harrison Barnes’ bio.

About BCG Attorney Search

BCG Attorney Search matches attorneys and law firms with unparalleled expertise and drive that gets results. Known globally for its success in locating and placing attorneys in law firms of all sizes, BCG Attorney Search has placed thousands of attorneys in law firms in thousands of different law firms around the country. Unlike other legal placement firms, BCG Attorney Search brings massive resources of over 150 employees to its placement efforts locating positions and opportunities that its competitors simply cannot. Every legal recruiter at BCG Attorney Search is a former successful attorney who attended a top law school, worked in top law firms and brought massive drive and commitment to their work. BCG Attorney Search legal recruiters take your legal career seriously and understand attorneys. For more information, please visit www.BCGSearch.com.

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47 Responses to “ Concentrate on Your Contribution”
  1. Avatar Gaurav says:

    A committed employee who is focused on his job and performs his functions to the best of his abilities derives a lot of job satisfaction which is more valuable than the bucks he is earning. Good employers always trust and encourage such employees.

  2. Avatar sajal456 says:

    Harrison Barnes says, “You can use similar job search techniques at home. His calculations are you will have to work 24 hours a day for 20 years just to build the database his company has invested time and money in already for its members.”

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  3. Avatar kavya says:

    This article is too good.Here the author says about secret to being an outstanding performer in any job.That is wonderful.This is the best site for career advice,job search.

  4. Avatar Tanmoy Saha says:

    This article is too good.Here the author says about secret to being an outstanding performer in any job. Good employers always trust and encourage such employees.

  5. Avatar Tanmoy Saha says:

    A committed employee who is focused on his job and performs his functions to the best of his abilities derives a lot of job satisfaction which is more valuable than the bucks he is earning. That is wonderful.This is the best site for career advice,job search.

  6. Avatar Kabir says:

    If are a educated person you should think how can you get success in your life. Success is not depends by your luck, You can change your luck it is in your hand.

  7. Avatar olivia says:

    Everyone should aim and concentrate for our work…that only you go high position otherwise you don’t acheive our goals…i like this article very much..

  8. Avatar Tanmoy Saha says:

    This is a wonderful article of job searching. This article helps us a lot to get online job. This helps us to get job being at home.

  9. Avatar mariabella says:

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  10. Avatar jacklin says:

    i like article very much…everyone need some guidence…that only get good position…like this article..I’m very lucky because i got this story..to my confident level is high

  11. Avatar Tanjila says:

    I’ve just read this article. I think this article is very informative. You put here very important information. I have been looking for this kind of article for along time. I finally find it.

  12. Avatar vshamu says:

    This is an wonderful post.this article says the secret of jobs that you can succeeded.Any one can find job of their own choice easily.Thank you for writing a nice article.

  13. Avatar Sadia says:

    This is a very well written and informative article. Every one is in detail step by step. I was searching for this type of article.

  14. Avatar Asaduzzaman says:

    This article is too good.Here the author says about secret to being an outstanding performer in any job.This is an wonderful post.this article says the secret of jobs that you can succeeded.

  15. Avatar priska says:

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  16. Avatar S. M. Mujibur rahman says:

    Oh my God what a wonderful post it is. I am really amazed to see the usefulness of this post. thanks a lot to the proper authority. thanks again for this nice article.

  17. Avatar nelson says:

    Here lots of job seeking website…but we are choosing very good site..that’s only you go high position…otherwise you don’t acheieve there goals…i like this article

  18. Avatar nezer says:

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  19. Avatar Zulkifli says:

    I love to read this article.Full of motivated point to me as a worker.What i get here is committed employees or worker tend to have a unique personal values to themself and to their company they work at. They are proud to be a part of their company, care about the fate of the company, and recommend the company as a great place to work.There dont too think about what are will they get soon,how about their salary,but in their mind is satisfaction in doing their job.

  20. Avatar aqufarysa says:

    What I say here …. sya also suffered the same fate as many scams in progrem2 way .. I also want to find a satisfactory income even though it is not much … I hope they can do better than this

  21. Avatar rowshon2 says:

    i like article very much…everyone need some guidence…that only get good position…like this article..I’m very lucky because i got this story..to my confident level is high

  22. Avatar sajal456 says:

    Ouooo amari shimanay sheto tor chaya
    Ouooo shekhane kore bichoron dukher(???)
    Ouooo rakhish ki khobor
    Tor aghate jome geche
    Nil akasher rongin ei bedonaaa

  23. Avatar Joie Mojica says:

    I anything we do, whether it’s a hobby,a household chore or a job, we really should focus. Focus is one of the key factors for us to succeed. Though sometimes, we tend to miss out or neglect other things happening outside our “focus zone”. So I guess one thing that should go with focus is open-mindedness and sensitivity.

  24. Avatar hasan says:

    This employee, who was making $80,000 a year at the time, left me a message on my cell phone demanding the $7, and calling me dishonest. Additionally, he sent me an email stating that what had happened was “OUTRAGEOUS!!” (the capital letters and exclamation points are his). This employee also spent the morning he received his check going around telling other employees what had happened, spreading fear throughout the organization. At the time, the company had over 600 employees.

  25. Avatar hasan says:

    I love to read this article.Full of motivated point to me as a worker.What i get here is committed employees or worker tend to have a unique personal values to themself and to their company they work at. They are proud to be a part of their company, care about the fate of the company, and recommend the company as a great place to work.There dont too think about what are will they get soon,how about their salary,but in their mind is satisfaction in doing their job.

  26. Avatar mh32355 says:

    If you look around at people you have worked with in the past, you too will see there are generally two groups of people. The first consists of people who are focused on their job and are doing the best they possibly can. The second consists of people who are constantly evaluating the rewards they are getting relative to their efforts.

  27. Avatar mh323 says:

    This is an wonderful post.this article says the secret of jobs that you can succeeded.Any one can find job of their own choice easily.Thank you for writing a nice article.

  28. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    I love to read this article.Full of motivated point to me as a worker.What i get here is committed employees or worker tend to have a unique personal values to themself and to their company they work at. They are proud to be a part of their company, care about the fate of the company, and recommend the company as a great place to work.There dont too think about what are will they get soon,how about their salary,but in their mind is satisfaction in doing their job.

  29. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    Here lots of job seeking website…but we are choosing very good site..that’s only you go high position…otherwise you don’t acheieve there goals…i like this article

  30. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    Oh my God what a wonderful post it is. I am really amazed to see the usefulness of this post. thanks a lot to the proper authority. thanks again for this nice article.

  31. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    I’ve just read this article. I think this article is very informative. You put here very important information. I have been looking for this kind of article for along time. I finally find it.

  32. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    This is a very well written and informative article. Every one is in detail step by step. I was searching for this type of article.

  33. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    i like article very much…everyone need some guidence…that only get good position…like this article..I’m very lucky because i got this story..to my confident level is high

  34. Avatar Mehedi038 says:

    you will do well in whatever calling you decide to pursue. These characteristics breed admiration, rewards, raises, and also have the potential to make people famous.

  35. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    Entrepreneurs who fail often do so for the same reason that employees fail in their jobs: they concentrate on taking rather than giving. You need to be focused on giving.

  36. Avatar mehedi038 says:

    We may brag about how our physician is on special committees, and we like the fact the people who are working for us have received awards – these are indicators that someone is committed to the job.

  37. Avatar Atondrilla PriyoDorshini says:

    I have read the article. There is a lot of useful information regarding job. Here I have got that each employee or worker has a unique personal values to himself and to his company where he is working at. Workers should be proud to be an important element of their company. Moreover, success does not depend on one’s luck, if a person want to his luck it is possible through hard work and dedication. So, everyone should have an aim and should concentrate to their work. Then it is possible to achieve the high position. I think this article is very much useful for workers.

  38. Avatar Mehedi038 says:

    keno j bujhi na? ai sob balchal kaj dei!

  39. Avatar Milton kundu says:

    The first consists of people who are focused on their job and are doing the best they possibly can.There dont too think about what are will they get soon,how about their salary,but in their mind is satisfaction in doing their job.

  40. Avatar kundu says:

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  41. Avatar kundu says:

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