
Use the Power of Contrasts to Drive Yourself Forward

To reach the goals to which you aspire, you must compare yourself with people superior to you for motivation. Most…

Understand Your Ultimate Goal

Your life’s ultimate goal is happiness; your drive for happiness guides the course of your life, and you need to…

If You Want to Earn More, You Need to Be Worth More

You are a commodity, and your security and success depends on creating much more value to your employer than you…

Finish What You Start

Finish What You Start

People with meaningful lives finish what they start; this says a lot about their character, and leaves a lasting impression…

As Seen on TV, P.T. Barnum, Penis Pills and Your Career

As Seen on TV, P.T. Barnum, Penis Pills and Your Career

Your success necessarily depends on your ability to promote yourself. To succeed in your job search, you need to find…