attorney search

Persist Until You Succeed

You can change your life forever by harnessing the power of persistence. Think about the people in your life, and…

Release the Lack That You Feel, and Reach Your Full Potential

In this article Harrison talks about releasing the lack that you feel, in order to reach your full potential. If…

Immanuel Kant and What Good Hiring Managers Should Look For

In this article Harrison discusses what a good hiring manager should look for. Many people who make hiring decisions really…

Do Your Job Search on Heavy Ground

When myriad candidates are applying to limited positions, practicing unusual tactics in your job hunt will prove far more helpful…

The Importance of Sharing

The most successful people in the world share the common characteristic of sharing, or concentrating on the value that they…

You Need to Stand for Something

In this article Harrison discusses how people who stand for something always do better than those who do not. Companies…

Induction, Deduction, and Your Career

The past does not dictate the future, so you should not use inductive reasoning to make conclusions about your life…

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

One of the most inspiring people in American history is Benjamin Franklin.  Something that very few people realize is that…

You Are Just Fine the Way You Are

In this article Harrison explains the need to accept yourself the way you are. Harrison believes that most of us…

Career Lessons from Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa is universally praised for her legacy of good works, having emerged from obscurity to worldwide acclaim. The lessons…