career advice | a harrison barnes

Face Reality

You must face cold, hard reality in order to truly determine your situation; despite the benefits of doing so, facing…

Are You Here? The Importance of Being Present in Your Job and Job Search

Being present is crucial to your career’s success and longevity. The more that you are present in your career, the…

Never Stop Using Your Imagination

You can make the most out of any situation by using your mind creatively. Your imagination is your most important…

Your Ability to Be Free Will Determine Your Success

In this article Harrison discusses how a very crucial part of your future success and happiness depends on your ability…

How Much Do You Want Your Dream?

Your success in both career and life depends on the strength of your desires. Peoples’ respective levels of desire differ…

Byways to Blessedness

I would like to share with you James Allen’s book, Byways to Blessedness where he talks of the need to…

The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

This week, I'd like to share with you "The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science" by Thomas Troward. Hope you enjoy…

The Art of War

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is an excellent book that contains numerous powerful life and career lessons. It…

The Ideal Made Real

Can wishes ever come true? Is it possible to give our desires the shape of reality? Contrary to all that…

Secrets of Mental Supremacy

Secrets of Mental Supremacy, by W. R. C. Latson, is an excellent self-improvement book that contains a series of simple,…