career advice | a harrison barnes

Move Toward the Light

Life is all about the opposite extremes of light and darkness, and your likelihood of success directly correlates to the…

Your Ultimate Goal: How You Can Find Job Security

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of keeping one’s job secured, and how external factors affect job security. It…

Get Dissatisfied

In order to make substantive changes in your life, you must start with dissatisfaction in your current position, and leverage…

Setting Goals Is Their Attainment

Setting in-depth goals really works, as it causes an unseen force to motivate you, and make you believe that you…

Communicate Your Value: How to Get a Job and Keep It

In this article Harrison talks about the role of communication in getting a job and keeping it. Harrison believes that…

To Succeed in Any Job You Need to Create Work

In this article Harrison discusses that your ability to create productive work can bring you success in your career. The…

The Power of Perceptions

Perceptions matter more than facts; others’ perceptions of you, your perceptions of others, and how you control both are the…

Concentrate on Your Contribution

In this article, Harrison explains the secret behind successful people and the biggest difference between them and those who fail…

The Best Career Advice You Will Ever Receive

In this article Harrison explains how you can use every single negative thing that happens to you as fuel to…

The Job Search Market in a Bad Economy

In this article, Harrison explains what actually happens with attorneys during a recession. On studying this aspect, Harrison discovers that…