career advice | a harrison barnes

career advice | a harrison barnes

Run Your Career Based on Facts and Statistics – Not Opinions

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One of the worst things you can possibly do is run your career based on the opinions of others. Other people are always going to have differing ideas about where you should work, how much you should work, what salary you should make–and various...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 2 Comments  

Show Value, Do Not Expect Value

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If you understand the message I am about to share with you, you will thrive in your career and life, and you will also be very good at identifying organizations and people to avoid. The message is this: people and businesses crash and burn when they...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured 13 Comments  

Choose Your Negotiations Wisely

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Many years ago, I hired a very successful and well-known recruiter to work for our company. This recruiter was a “superstar” sort of recruiter, who generated millions of dollars in fees wherever he went. Prior to hiring this recruiter, I...

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Filed under Featured, Job Market, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 17 Comments  

Alpha Pygmy Goats, Unreasonably Optimistic Russian Attorneys and Setting High Expectations for Yourself

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I used to be a law professor, and I remember in my class there was the nicest kid you can imagine who had immigrated from Russia a few years previously and wanted to be an attorney. He hardly spoke English and had a difficult time putting sentences together;...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured, Finding a Job 6 Comments  

Rap Stars, House Managers, Crystal Meth, Prison, and Your Ego

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Several years ago, I was on an airplane that sat on the tarmac for at least an hour due to a screaming rap star. Seated not far from me (in coach) was a very famous rap star, and he was furious. He was upset because he had been seated in coach and there...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 5 Comments  

The Most Valuable Work Is Work That Repeats Itself

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When I was 18 years old, I once responded to an advertisement in the paper that stated a company looking for janitors was offering $15.00 an hour (which now would probably be the equivalent of at least $25.00 an hour). Back then, 20+ years ago, that...

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Filed under Featured, Finding a Job, Keeping a Job 3 Comments  

The Importance of Discipline

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One of the most popular misconceptions in the world is that those who end up being the most successful somehow achieve this success through shortcuts, not through working hard. Each time someone is able to achieve incredible success without a lot of...

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Filed under Featured, Goal Setting, How to Succeed, Life Lessons 7 Comments  

Trust Your Intuition in Your Career and Life

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When I was around 11 years old, a couple of friends of mine, Charlie and Dave, had found a use for an amazing garden of sculptured bushes that was behind Charlie’s house. I had never understood or appreciated how exciting a garden could really be. Charlie’s...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed 4 Comments  

Our Habits Determine the Outcome of Our Lives

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When I was younger, I was reasonably good at tennis and would have been capable of being an exceptional player if I had developed the correct habits. By the age of 15 I had developed a serve so strong that even professional tennis players had difficulty...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, Life Lessons Leave a Comment  

Move Toward the Light

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There is a story I heard some time ago about a man named Rabbi Akiva, who lived in Palestine. He was considered an extremely good person and also a sage. He became the greatest scholar of his time (he lived in the second century) through his consistency....

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Filed under Featured, Life Lessons 10 Comments  

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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