career advice

career advice

Imitation, Our Parents, and Transference

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Several years ago, I was at dinner with a man and his wife, both of whom used to work for an advertising company that did business with Ralph Lauren. Since Lauren was their main account, they had spent years getting to know him and his staff and observing...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured, The Role of Jobs in Today’s World 3 Comments  

Charlemagne, the Roman Empire, and the Importance of Good Leadership

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Over the past several years I have become fascinated with leaders and entrepreneurs and what makes them successful. The power of an entrepreneur or leader — to take an idea, unite people around it, and create a long-functioning and successful organization...

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Never Try to Be Someone Different from Who You Are

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A few years ago, the Dean of the law school I attended took me out to lunch.  He was in town because his son was attending a math camp.  He told me his son absolutely loved math and the Dean was nurturing his skill.  Reflecting on his son’s math...

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Filed under Featured, Getting Ahead, Life Lessons 10 Comments  

Feral Children, Puzzles, Jews, and Filters

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I remember growing up around kids with books of puzzles and games in elementary school and junior high school; these were always the kinds of kids that did not fit in. They also got beat up after school, were awkward during gym class, got pushed around...

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Time Economy Jobs and Productivity Economy Jobs

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In a law firm, when an attorney stops billing hours and no longer has any work, the person will be very close to losing his or her job. Survival in law firms involves staying busy and making work all the time. This is one reason it is so hard for young...

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Filed under Advancement, Featured 5 Comments  

Choose an Employer Who Is Marching Forward

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There are generally two types of employers in this world: the employer who is marching forward and the employer who is in retreat. There is also a third type of employer (for whom nothing is changing) that merits some discussion as well. However, for...

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Filed under Employment Do’s and Don’ts, Featured 5 Comments  

The Graduate, Andrew Carnegie, and Finding Positive Economic Currents

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In the 1967 movie The Graduate, Dustin Hoffman plays a young, recent college graduate, Ben. At a party, Ben is congratulated by his family and their friends: Guests: We’re all so proud of you, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud, proud. What...

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Change Your Reactions

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When you see a fight occurring between any two people (or groups of people), it is always the case that one side believes it is right about something and that the other side is therefore wrong. It could be a disagreement over a political or territorial...

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Filed under Featured, Life Lessons 2 Comments  

Career Advice from Aristotle

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Aristotle loved studying argumentation and the methods of appeal used to convince someone of a given idea. Aristotle believed that people can be persuaded by the following means: Ethos (an appeal to credibility) Pathos (an appeal to emotions) Logos...

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Filed under Featured, How to Succeed 1 Comment  

Making Others Aware of Your Weaknesses Can Make You More Trusted

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Several years ago I was on vacation with my wife in Paris and was trying on shoes and found a pair of dress shoes that I really liked a lot. I had never seen a pair of shoes like this before and they were extremely comfortable. After trying them...

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Job Market

The Importance of Fitting In

By on Jun 13,2024

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job, even more so than your skill level. Fitting in means nothing more than being comfortable in one’s work environment, and making others similarly comfortable. Employers want to hire people who will embrace their approach to business and the world on physical and moral levels, so you must strive to fit in with their worldview.

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