career blog | a harrison barnes

You Are Just Fine the Way You Are

In this article Harrison explains the need to accept yourself the way you are. Harrison believes that most of us…

Show Up on Time

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of showing up on time. When you do not show up on time…

Working on Sundays and Concentrating on Your Work

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of concentrating on your work and not getting distracted. The true value of…

How to Talk about Other Interviews in Your Interviews

Employers sometimes ask in the course of an interview about other interview you may have had, and how you handle…

Heart of Darkness, Emotion and Your Career

Use emotion to connect with others; establishing a strong connection with others forges a bond that can profoundly impact your…

Nicholas Cage and Personal Leadership

True leadership comes from standing for the things in which you believe, even if you stand alone and others disagree…

The Importance of Being Well-Liked in Your Job

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of being well-liked in your job. Being well-liked is necessary for success in…

The Greatest Secret of Billionaires, 95-Year-Old Attorneys and the Retirement Myth

Do work that you love, and make it part of your life and identity. Success comes to people who love…

The Holidays Are the Best Time to Search for a Job

In this article, Harrison provides a very interesting theory regarding the most suitable time to apply for a job. Searching…

Watching for Waste in Your Job

In this article Harrison talks about the difference between people who survive in recessions, and those who end up being…