career blog | a harrison barnes

Play Each Day Like It Is Your Most Important

In this article, Harrison beautifully explains the importance of loving the work you do, being focused, and seeing each day…

Choose Your Frames of Reference Wisely

Your life is shaped by the reference points through which you experience the world, which you establish based on your…

Upgrade Your Career and Life by Finding Work to Be Done

If you can learn how to create work for yourself, you will never be unemployed or lacking for excitement in…

Do Not Ever Be Afraid to Broadcast Your Value

You need to constantly broadcast your value in your current job; make sure that your bosses are aware of what…

Learn Something from the Upper and Lower Class: Do Not Be Paralyzed by Others’ Opinions

You need to focus on yourself and raise above the standards set by the world around you. When you live…

You Need to Bring a Singular Focus to Everything You Do

In this article, Harrison discusses the interesting concept of the fox and the hedgehog in association with your job search.…

Your Life Is Controlled by Your Decisions and Your Commitment to Them

In this article Harrison discusses how your life is controlled by your decisions and your commitment to them. You have…

You Need to Be Seen as an Authority

In this article Harrison discusses the role of authority in your job. In order to get a job, stay employed…

The Richest Man in Bay City

You cannot create alibis for your life and hope to achieve anything. Rather than spend your time creating alibis, use…

Find an Employer with Similar Values

Nothing gets accomplished when peoples’ values are in conflict, so it is very important to work with an employer who…