career blog | a harrison barnes

Influence: How to Exert It

Yoritomo-Tashi presents to us ideas that enormously dominate the human mind through this tremendously inspiring book, Influence: How to Exert…

Weight Loss, Security Guards, Hard Work and Your Career

In the Midwest, where I am from, many of the men and women there tend to start getting bigger and…

Concentrate on the Process, Not the Results

Concentrate on the process, not the results, in order to succeed in your career. Focus on the entire process of…

How to Choose a Recruiter Based on Recruiting Style

Recruiters use a variety of approaches, each of which has its merits; the best recruiters, however, use a combination of…

Your Forces and How to Use Them

In this book titled Your Forces and how to Use them, Christian Larson talks about the inherent energies present in…

See Things The Way They Are

Ranking people, assets, opportunities, etc. is one of the most powerful practices that you can implement. Ranking people against one…

Cattle, the Importance of Maintaining Fences-and Your Career

You must establish strong, well-maintained fences around everything in your life, and be aware of who is within them. To…

Are You Structured or Free Spirited?

Understanding the environment in which you thrive, be it structured or free-spirited, can greatly influence your success or failure in…

The Secret of Success

William Atkinson's The Secret of Success is a nine-lesson course in which the author talks about the"'Something Else" and the…

Your Beliefs about Yourself Are Controlling Your Destiny

In this article Harrison explains how your beliefs are controlling what is happening to you. Due to our early life…