The Importance of Fitting In

The ability to fit into your work environment is among the most important parts of obtaining and retaining a job,…

Your Job Is about the Transference Energy

In this article Harrison discusses the importance of ‘energy’ over technical skills. When people are hiring you they are purchasing…

Instead of Seeking Praise, Seek Criticism

In this article Harrison discusses the role of criticism in helping a person grow, evolve, and excel. People generally want…

The Importance of Disconnecting from Your Work

In this article, Harrison explains the importance of putting in your best efforts while at work and simply not working…

The Greek Parthenon and Your Career

If you are good at one thing, then you need to make sure you develop a diversity of skills in…

Communicate with Relevance and Connect with Your Audience

In this article, Harrison states that one of the biggest secrets behind successful marketing is communicating relevantly with people. The…

Be Committed to What You Do

In this article Harrison discusses the power of commitment. It is important to commit to your career, to a single…

Remain Calm

Remain calm at all times, and stay focused on the world around you to make considered decisions before acting. You…

The Peter Principle and Being Ready for More Responsibility

Only take on more responsibility when you are ready for it. While it is fine to try new things, you…

How to Count in Your Career and Life

Recognize a pervasive, universal spirit or oneness, and harmonize with it in order to leave a lasting mark on the…